Saturday, February 28, 2009

I always miss the good stuff.

I went to Mary's this week. And the night I was gone I missed a "moment" with David. I got a text from Darren stating: "David just came up to me and said.... "I'm in Love"...... I can't stop laughing!" So obviously he's 7 yrs old so I asked what he was in love with and Darren replies...."It's not what it's WHO".... It's some girl at hockey ... LOL and the next text I get says " OMGOSH he just told me that cupid shot him, so he had to tell her HAHAHA". Yep that's right my boy told his first real crush/ LOVE that cupid had shot him. And that he loves her. So when I called that night I asked what her name was and he says " I dunno but she was wearing a terquoise shirt." Oh LOL ... He is totally smitten by this girl. We got a good laugh out of it for a couple of days. By the way the girl's name is SilvyAnn or however her mother spells it. But I also know that the girls mom is the "professional photographer" who annoys everyone with her alien bees she sets up for camera flash. LOL it's all good though. Because if I had her battery operated stuff I'd drag it with me everywhere I went too.
Mary's hubby Mitch retired on Wed morn. No more Army.. WOOOT WOOOT. I was able to take pics of Emily too when I was there. I can't believe how pretty she is getting. And it's nice to take pics of kids who WANT thier photo taken. Although I'm very upset with my camera now. For some reason I am getting a crap load of noise with it. So all my good pics I took really aren't that good when you zoom in on them. So I am selling my camera so I can get a new one.
I also decided yesterday that I am going to plant a garden this year. It's been a couple years since I last attempted to grow anything. So cross your fingers for me. LOL

Thursday, February 19, 2009

special moments

Here is a special moment I caught the kitten and dog doing this morn.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

new song... well one of them

rough draft, the song has to be memorized by 28 march.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ok so it's been like ages since I've posted. Well I have been busy. I have worked all but one week since the first week of Jan. And when I am not working it seems all I do is run around like a chicken. We are all doing well and the boys are still alive. Yep they are Ive got pictures to prove it.. So here they are... the most recent of the villians.



Finally pulled it out! All by himself. NO drama!

cool video