Saturday, February 28, 2009

I always miss the good stuff.

I went to Mary's this week. And the night I was gone I missed a "moment" with David. I got a text from Darren stating: "David just came up to me and said.... "I'm in Love"...... I can't stop laughing!" So obviously he's 7 yrs old so I asked what he was in love with and Darren replies...."It's not what it's WHO".... It's some girl at hockey ... LOL and the next text I get says " OMGOSH he just told me that cupid shot him, so he had to tell her HAHAHA". Yep that's right my boy told his first real crush/ LOVE that cupid had shot him. And that he loves her. So when I called that night I asked what her name was and he says " I dunno but she was wearing a terquoise shirt." Oh LOL ... He is totally smitten by this girl. We got a good laugh out of it for a couple of days. By the way the girl's name is SilvyAnn or however her mother spells it. But I also know that the girls mom is the "professional photographer" who annoys everyone with her alien bees she sets up for camera flash. LOL it's all good though. Because if I had her battery operated stuff I'd drag it with me everywhere I went too.
Mary's hubby Mitch retired on Wed morn. No more Army.. WOOOT WOOOT. I was able to take pics of Emily too when I was there. I can't believe how pretty she is getting. And it's nice to take pics of kids who WANT thier photo taken. Although I'm very upset with my camera now. For some reason I am getting a crap load of noise with it. So all my good pics I took really aren't that good when you zoom in on them. So I am selling my camera so I can get a new one.
I also decided yesterday that I am going to plant a garden this year. It's been a couple years since I last attempted to grow anything. So cross your fingers for me. LOL

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