Friday, June 13, 2008

Go Fish

Well today I decided to take the boys to the lake. I had it all planned out. My goal was to do Father's Day pictures for Darren. But as you can see there's only TWO kids in this picture. I wasn't getting full co-opperation. The wind was blowing and blew Davids hat into the water. Tyler litterally fished it out. A few minutes after this photo was taken I turn to see Jacob catching his hat. And it dawned on me he was just standing there with nothing in his hands. Well as he caught his hat he managed to drop his pole in the lake. Well I told them if they dropped it they had to fork up $10.00 or go fetch it. Jake slipped off his clothes down to his shorts (which he was still wearing under the overalls) and in he went. LOL HE got his pole and got to go swimming too. Although he says "it's really cold". And couldn't wait to get dressed again. After having way too much fun on the docks the boys n I decided to drive to the other side and there they managed to catch some fish. ... I do plan to try to redo the pics with all 3 boys. Next time we will go and just pretend to fish I think.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my word, that picture is AWESOME!!! Funny about the pole. At least you have a sense of humor about the whole thing. If I was going there to take a picture I think that would have sabotaged it. Oh well, I could totally see that happening with my kids. That IS the life having kids huh? Ppttt.