Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Saturday?

Well I don't know what they call today. But it was another great shopping day! I like going to the BX and getting a $20.00 gift card. Although getting up early is starting to catch up with me I think. I found movies for $6.95 today and 3 DsLite games for about $9.00. One is a spanish learning game. I bet Tyler will just love it. LOL if not the rest of us can use it and try to learn something.
Tomorrow is another getting up early day. I hope it's not called Black Sunday because that just sounds bad. I think I will name it Green Sunday. LOL because tomorrow we will be getting another $20.00 gift card. I plan on taking 2 of the boys with me. Because any valid ID card holder gets a gift card if you are the first 100 in the door. Man after tomorrow I am not going to have much to write about for a while.
This afternoon we set up the christmas tree. And found out my great $22.00 garage sale bargain has seen better days. There is a section of prelit lights that don't want to work. I think I will start looking for a tall skinny tree. I am tired of the nice full ones taking up so much darn room. The tree we have now probably is a good 4ft across on the bottom. So it's time for a change.
Will add more tomorrow on what we found at the BX.

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