Well, I finally decide to fix our bed yesterday afternoon. It has been squeeking for hmmmm probably a good 3 years. And I just couldn't take it anymore. I kept waking up at night when Darren or I would roll over. It sounded as if the mattress was going to drop to the floor. So I took the mattess and the box spring off and wouldn't ya know there was about 5 screws missing. I took the bed apart and added new screws and tightened the ones that were left. WAAALLAAA! It's fixed. So I was planning on getting a good nights sleep. Well David started throwing up about 7pm last night. So I left him on the couch to watch tv until Darren was ready to take him to bed. I had gone to bed around 10ish and was almost asleep. And I hear a whimper... man that sounded alot like David. So I hollared out.. DAVID IS THAT YOU!? No answer. The mom in me decided to get up and look anyway. Because I thought he was still downstairs. Well the boy was in his bed curled up into fetal position groaning. I look closer at him and he's gagging in his sleep. Next thing I see is him puking and thought OMGOSH grose D. He is the only person I know that can vomit and keep it all in his mouth. BBLLEEECCCKKK!!! At that point I'm yellin at him to get his rearend to the bathroom. (Makes me nauseous to even think about it. So I had to share... TMI sorry for those with weak guts). I figured if he was going to be that mental about getting to the bathroom then I would make him a bed on the bathroom floor. And that's where he slept all night. Unlike me up and down all night to make sure he was ok and had a little bit of fluids to drink.
Darren left for Colorado Springs this morning. He was bummed that he had to take himself to the airport. Because, right before he left David puked again. And I am not taking a sick kid out for an hour car ride.
Sunday morning has been pretty uneventful. The boys are entertaining themselves with video games because they have been grounded from them all week. And I am tired and cranky. As long as they're not bothering me or making too much noise we will have a great day. LOL Hopefully I will have more exciting news during the week. I have my weigh in on Tuesday evening. Crappy time I know. But I don't think I've lost much. Even with going to the gym almost everyday. PPFFTT! Tyler has his first football game on Thursday after school. That's the excitement here for the week.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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