Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where does the time go?

Where does the time go in a day? School started on Tuesday morning for all the boys. And I took the day off. I didn't lift a finger other than typing on here. I had a good chat with Amanda and got reconnected with my sister Sarah. But before I knew it ... it was time to go get the kids from school. We live close enough for them to walk to and from school. But I take them in the mornings and then drop off Tyler at his school. So far this week they've all walked home. Which is good excersize for me. I walk up to get them with the dog. Jenny loves her walks and to see the boys is the icing on her lil cake. Jake and David both collapsed on the couch. First day must have been tiring for them. Heck I wasn't going to complain they were both sitting and being quiet for once. And not off playing video games or fighting. Tyler ran thru the door and straight to thier computer to add all his friends to facebook. It was a great day over all.
Wednesday I started back up to the gym. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. I need to to be healthy and so that my back, knees, and ankles will not hurt as much. Oh ya and I don't wanna be one of those fat soccer moms on the side of the field. OMGosh the base gym is in an old airplane hanger and has been for many years and they still DON'T have a/c. I have never sweated so much in my life. But I was pretty impressed that I had sweat dripping off my arms..LOL . I did hear yesterday that by next year the gym will have a/c. Thank God!
Today the gym was still an oven. But I did manage to get the elliptical done and rode the bike a while. This week is my warm up. Next week I plan to spend an hour (or as close to it as I can) on the elliptical. That is about the only machine that doesn't kill my knees or shins. And the week after start to lift weights again along with the cardio. Last time I tried to lose this weight I got side tracked with the kids and babysitting. And sabotaged with the meal thing. So this time I will stick to my guns. I'd like to get to my goal by my birthday. I think thats pretty reasonable.
After school today Jacobs friend Jordan is coming over and staying until about 10pm. His parents are taking his older sister to college today. And have to get her all settled into her dorm room. Which is ok, we really like Jordan. Plus his family has taken Jake many times. So I owe
Well I am still sitting in my nasty sweaty clothes. It's time to get ready for the day. I have a dentist appt at 1:30pm to get 2 fillings. And Tyler has his sports physical tonight at 7pm. Football starts next Tuesday.
Ta-Ta for now.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You had an insane day, even for you. Hope today is a bit slower.