Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yes, My cat talks to me

Man I was sleeping so good. My back finally was starting to feel better. And I wake up to a cat in my face. She kept meowing at me... Hey you lady get up!! .. GO AWAY! A few minutes later she is back again. This time shes on me... kneeding me, bumping up against my hand, and again with the meowing. Not loud just enough to make me stir. GO AWAY! So finally the third time she hopped up on me I decided to try to figure out what she wanted. I look at the door and it's not shut, so that can't be it. OK, OK, I got up and she ran out the door. As I sat up, I heard the dog whine... Oh that's not good... it's only 5:45am. Jenny should still be sleeping. I got up and came down stairs and OMGOSH the smell could have taken you by the nose and shook ya... PPEEEEUUUUEEEEE. (gags thinking about it). Of course now I feel bad because she layed in it long enough for most of it to dry. It was all over her and in her kennel and outside her kennel and down the airvent.. ICK! Ok so the dog is sent outside and I grab the papertowels and bag and the bleach. I thought I did a great job by not adding any more vomit to the bag. It was a mess.

After getting it all cleaned up I let her in. Offered her a lil tiny bit of plain yogurt for her tummy. And decided we should go back to sleep. So I layed on the couch and she on the floor next to me. But she can't sit still. She's itchy and licking and digging at her ears. We got up and I gave her some ear drops to help with the hurt. Of course the rule is if she gets drops in her ears and for being a good girl she gets a treat. Like a moron I gave her one. We layed back down and I was almost asleep. Next thing I hear is her puking again. This time on the carpet... common Jenny lets go outside, common, common lets go, common. Well let's just say she wasn't coming. And managed to barf in 2 areas on the carpet. I finally got her back out the door and realized its not even 7 am yet. CALGONE take me away!! So like the responsible person that I am I got out the carpet cleaner instead of trying to wipe it up with paper towels. The smell of yellow bile isn't the most pleasant. And I NEEDED to get it out of the carpet. Finally the carpets were done and by now my back is killing again. I feel like someone has thier fists in my sides.

Now I am boiling chicken and rice so she has something bland to eat while we are gone. Hopefully Tyler will do a good job watching her. So all who read this pleasae say a prayer for Tyler and Darren as I am leaving them with a sick dog. And that I don't come home to nasty stained carpet. The younger two and I are leaving for Texas in about 2 hrs. So I will report back after Monday some time. Hopefully with pictures of other NPS people.
Oh ya, I think I am going to rename Soxx to.... Lassie Kitty.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness!! Poor you, that job of cleaning up nasty bodily fluids just happens to always be my job too. I think Todd has done it once...he got a bad one though. Paisley was outside feasting on poop (she was so incredibly VILE) and then came inside and puked it all up on the carpet. Todd actually had to cut that entire piece of carpet out and throw it away. Thankfully we lived in base houseing where all the floors are tile anyways and you get the cheapest carpet you can find just to save your feet.

Have fun at the NPS conference. I hope you get lots of pictures! Mom wants to go with Connie next year. Oh, and get some good rest, 5:30am wake up really bites!!!